
Showing posts from July 4, 2019

Ufer gëtt ugeluecht Navigatiounsmenüluet d'Säit w.e.g. nach eng Kéier

luet d'Säit w.e.g. nach eng Kéier Ufer gëtt ugeluecht Op d'Navigatioun wiesselen Op d'Siche wiesselen Den Editeur gëtt elo gelueden. Wann Dir dëse Message no e puer Sekonnen nach gesitt, da luet d'Säit w.e.g. nach eng Kéier. Vun „“ Navigatiounsmenü Perséinlech Tools Net ageloggt Diskussioun Kontributiounen Benotzerkont opmaachen Aloggen Nummraim Säit Diskussioun Varianten Affichagen Uleeën Quell uleeën Méi Sichen Navigatioun Haaptsäit Portaler Alles vun A-Z Zoufälleg Säit M...

error:failure reading sector 0x802 from 'hd0'How can I check the SMART status of a SSD or HDD on current versions of Ubuntu 14.04 through 18.10?How do I check the integrity of a storage medium (hard disk or flash drive)?Partitions disappeared after power loss while installingerror : hd0 out of disk grub rescue“hd0 out of disk” / “hd0 write error” (still boots)GRUB rescure mode, “error: unknow filessystem” and difficulty booting from USBunknown filesystem, grub rescueHow to solve Grub rescueHow can I recover my RAID 5 array after removing 3 or 4 of 7 disks?error: failure reading sector 0x7c3c00 from “hd0”error:failure reading sector 0x33002 from hd0Two os deletion in partitonwrong start up disk

What is the highest level of accuracy in motion control a Victorian society could achieve? How to factor a fourth degree polynomial Was the 45.9°C temperature in France in June 2019 the highest ever recorded in France? How frequently do Russian people still refer to others by their patronymic (отчество)? Find max number you can create from an array of numbers Park the computer Taking advantage when HR forgets to communicate the rules How did the IEC decide to create kibibytes? Minor differences between two recorded guitars What's the big deal about the Nazgûl losing their horses? Is conquering your neighbors to fight a greater enemy a valid strategy? What is the fundamental difference between catching whales and hunting other animals? Holy Alphabet Arithmetic Is this car delivery via Ebay Motors on Craigslist a scam? Addressing just the outermost cells in a raster? Is reasonable to assume that the ...