
Showing posts from June 15, 2019

Unexpected result with right shift after bitwise negationWhat are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work?Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite?Right shift two's complement number like an unsigned intbit shifting in C, unexpected resultRight shift with zeros at the beginningUnexepected behavior from multiple bitwise shifts on the same lineUnexpected Result After Arithmetically Right ShiftingWhy unsigned int right shift is always filled with '1'Unusual behavior with shift-right bitwise operatorprintf() function in loop #3 gives unexpected result

How to recover a single blank shot from a film camera How "fast" do astronomical events occur? Is it a bad idea to have a pen name with only an initial for a surname? Time at 1G acceleration to travel 100 000 light years How did space travel spread throughout the Star Wars galaxy? SQL Server has encountered occurences of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds Common Marsupials and Rare Antelopes How can I maintain game balance while allowing my player to craft genuinely useful items? What could be the physiological mechanism for a biological Geiger counter? How to prevent cables getting intertwined 1960s sci-fi anthology with a Viking fighting a U.S. army MP on the cover Are there any individual aliens that have gained superpowers in the Marvel universe? Why do you need to heat the pan before heating the olive oil? How can I ping multiple IP addresses at the same time? In windows systems, is renaming files functionally similar to deleting them?...