
Showing posts from September 27, 2019

Lüdviq Vitgenşteyn Mündəricat Həyatı | Məntiqi-fəlsəfi traktat | Mənbə | NaviqasiyaИзбранные Работы. М., Территория будущего, 2005.текстЛюдвиг Витгенштейн и его место в философии XX в.Кочерга Витгенштейна. История десятиминутного спора между двумя великими философамиВитгенштейн и критическая традицияВитгенштейн об "индивидуальном языке"О недостоверности: Против ВитгенштейнаБожественный Людвиг (Жизнь Витгенштейна)Предисловие к публикации "Логико-философского трактата"Беседы с ВитгенштейномВитгенштейн о правилах и индивидуальном языкеВитгенштейн как консервативный мыслительВитгенштейн, политическая теория и демократия

26 apreldə doğulanlar1889-cu ildə doğulanlar29 apreldə vəfat edənlər1951-ci ildə vəfat edənlərBerlin Texniki Universitetinin məzunlarıƏlifba sırasına görə alimlərAvstriya filosoflarıVyanada doğulanlarKembricdə vəfat edənlər 26 aprel1889VyanaAvstriya-Macarıstan29 aprel1951KembricBöyük BritaniyaAvstriyaİmmanuel Kantdantarixdə 100 ən çox öyrənilmiş şəxsiyyətlər siyahısına188926 aprelindəSaksoniyadan1911Kembricə19131914192119261951 (function()var node=document.getElementById("mw-dismissablenotice-anonplace");if(node)node.outerHTML="u003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice"u003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-close"u003E[u003Ca tabindex="0" role="button"u003Egizləu003C/au003E]u003C/divu003Eu003Cdiv class="mw-dismissable-notice-body"u003Eu003Cdiv id="localNotice"...

Seeking colloquialism for “just because”How to use “juste”?Translation / Grammar of “Do you want me to speak French?”Why is “si if” used instead of “que that” to talk about what has actually happened?Ways to tell a person to be quiet“It is the fate of glass to break.”What is a natural French phrase for 'You could do worse than'?French for 'It must be my imagination'?How is 'you'll never miss something' said in french?Can “ Du coup” render “By the way”?French equivalent of “Make leaps and bounds”

Can/should you swim in zero G? As a girl, how can I voice male characters effectively? The answer is the same (tricky puzzle!) What benefits are there to blocking most search engines? How fast are we moving relative to the CMB? What does a textbook look like while you are writing it? Where does the image of a data connector as a sharp metal spike originate from? Are there any tricks to pushing a grand piano? Determine the Winner of a Game of Australian Football Is "weekend warrior" derogatory? Is negative resistance possible? Using 4K Skyrim Textures when running 1920 x 1080 display resolution? What's the difference between motherboard and chassis? Has Boris Johnson ever referred to any of his opponents as "traitors"? Did the Soviet army intentionally send troops (e.g. penal battalions) running over minefields? C - Learning Linked Lists, Pointer Manipulation - Store some ints, print and free memory Advices to added homemade symbol...